Front End Developer
I'm a Fireman and a Software developer student at KYH in Liljeholmen. I'm full focused on improving my front-end skills and I am studying Front-End JavaScript, which is challenging but rewarding. Right now, I'm focusing on mastering JavaScript, React with Next.js to become an Front-End Developer.
Studing C# at Arena from distance
I'm currently studying JavaScript Front-end development with the goal of becoming a full-stack developer.
Söderbergs & Partners
WonderWise is a feature-rich Airbnb-inspired booking platform specifically designed for hikers. It offers a seamless way to explore, book, and manage cabin stays, providing tools for both users and administrators to interact with listings.
My Weather App is a user-friendly weather application that allows users to quickly retrieve real-time weather data for any city. Built using Next.js, styled with Tailwind CSS and fetches the current weather information from the OpenWeatherMap API using Axios
I created an end-to-end e-commerce platform leveraging the MERN stack, enabling seamless shopping experiences for customers and streamlined inventory and order management for administrators
This chat forum requires users to log in to interact with other members. Once logged in, users can create threads, comment on existing discussions, and engage with the community. Thread creators have the ability to lock their own threads, preventing further comments, ensuring control over their discussions.
The Todo App helps users manage their tasks easily. You can create, edit, and delete tasks.